Welcome to ThanksMate!

Join us in our community.

About Us

This platform roots from a deep sense of empathy towards everyone who maybe going through a difficult. As individuals, we all have our own journey to becoming who we are today. We only wish we had someone to be our ray of sunshine during those times. ThanksMate was developed with the intention to bring together a community so strong that supports each other. The main purpose is to act as a bridge to connect people with people and offer a helping hand. 

ThanksMate was established with the vison to expand and reach a global community of like-minded people. We aim to form a community with international reach and influence as language and region should not be a barrier. Our members will be acting as the pillars to support the members of this community in all aspects of daily life from celebrating happiness to dealing tough times.

Isolating due to covid and need help with groceries? Looking for an accommodation and don’t know where to start? Want to celebrate someone’s birthday in a different country but don’t know how? We got you covered! All you need to do is ask.

Why You Should Join Us

Giving to charities – whether monetary or donated goods is a mood booster. Helping those in need can make you feel more content and fulfilled. Research has shown that there is a link between making a donation to charity and feeling joy. Social Conscience is a widely given reason on why people donate to charities.

A Big Thanks

A very big Thank you to Vision Overseas Group for supporting this community.